
Wednesday February 07, 2007
Start: 07/02/2007 03:00

Working with HIV/ AIDS
A Seminar
Wednesday 7th February 2007
1:30pm to 4:15pm

at the UCU Centre, Britannia Street,
London WC1
organized by
The Institute of Employment Rights

About the Seminar

More people were diagnosed with HIV in 2005 than in any previous year and more people are working with HIV than ever before. But too often ignorance and discrimination get in the way of how we deal with the issue in the workplace.

Wednesday February 28, 2007
Start: 28/02/2007 09:30
End: 28/02/2007 16:15

The Right to Strike: from the Trade Disputes Act 1906 to a Trade Union Freedom Bill 2007
The Right to Strike: from the Trade Disputes Act 1906 to a Trade Union Freedom Bill 2007

Organised by the Institute of Employment Rights in association with the TUC and North West TUC and sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors

Monday May 14, 2007
Start: 14/05/2007 13:30
End: 14/05/2007 16:15

Despite the Sex Discrimination Act being on the statute book for over 30 years, inequality remains a feature of the modern workplace. The pay gap between men and women remains wide, with part-time women earning nearly 40% less than men.

In an attempt to progress the long awaited call for equality, the Gender Equality Duty (GED) will come into force in April 2007. This legislation requires public authorities to take action to eliminate unlawful sex discrimination and harassment, and promote equality of opportunity between women and men.

Wednesday June 13, 2007
Start: 13/06/2007 13:30
End: 13/06/2007 16:15

about the seminar

In October 2004 a new statutory 3-step grievance and disciplinary procedure was introduced, with the stated objective of reducing the number of cases pursued to an Employment Tribunal. Then in 2005, new Employment Tribunal Rules and Procedures were introduced, increasing the time limits for submitting applications to Employment Tribunals in the hope that more grievances would be settled at workplace level.

Saturday June 16, 2007
Start: 16/06/2007 09:30
End: 16/06/2007 16:00

John Hendy QC, Chairman of the Institute of Employment Rights, will be updating delegates on the latest developments on the Trade Union Rights and Freedoms Bill at this one day conference organised by the Morning Star.

Brian Caton, General Secretary of the Prison Officers Association will also address this session of the conference and Carolyn Jones, Director of IER will Chair.

Other speakers in this session will be announced shortly.

Wednesday June 20, 2007
Start: 20/06/2007 17:30
End: 20/06/2007 19:00

John Hendy QC and Michael Ford were both involved in the ASLEF v UK case, a case which ended in victory for the union. In an effort to inform the discussion around the Government’s current Consultation Document (responses due in by 8th August 2007), both barristers will present an IER Briefing on the implications of the case.

John Hendy and Michael Ford will be joined by Professor Keith Ewing, President of the Institute, who will Chair the event.

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