Employment law timeline

Submitted by sglenister on Thu, 02/08/2012 - 11:22


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Using the timeline

Use the spanner icon on the bottom right of the timeline to perform the following functions:


Looking for news on a specific bill or minister? Try searching their name in the search box. The search function is quite sensitive so if you have no luck, try to make your search term as simple as possible. If you still have no luck, let us know, we might have missed something.

Pick a category

Only interested in equality news? Or health and safety? Filter by category for a clearer view.

Pick a view

The timeline defaults to its standard view, but you can choose to make categories clearer by introducing more colour into the categories, or see the stories laid out in category bands.

Spacing and zoom

Want to take a closer look at a particularly busy period? Zoom in and increase the spacing between stories to see events more clearly.

About the timeline

The timelines above chart the introduction of policies, the airing of proposals and the calls of backbenchers and right-wing think tanks that have threatened the rights of UK workers since 2010.

It is a new resource that we believe is the only place currently available to view information on the drive against workers' rights in a comprehensive and interactive way.

On an iPad or Smartphone? Click here for the touchscreen version

The timeline is constantly updated as news articles and other details emerge, and so is always a work in progress. If you feel we have missed anything that would add to the timeline, please contact Sarah Glenister.

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Advertising space is also for sale underneath the timeline, while suitable videos and hyperlinks to your organisation or campaign can be embedded. Please call 0151 207 5265 to discuss or click here to read the advertising brochure.

Updated Tory Timeline Advertising sheet.pdf611.63 KB

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