
Wednesday March 10, 2010
Start: 10/03/2010 13:30
End: 10/03/2010 16:15

Occupational Pensions: Delayed wages subtracted?
A seminar
Wednesday 10th March, 2010
NUT Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD

organised by
The Institute of Employment Rights

about the conference

It has been a long path from Turner’s Pension Commission in 2005 which insisted on a minimum employer contribution of 3% to occupational pensions. And while we should welcome the new pensions system which will for the first time compel every employer to contribute to their staff pensions we still need to consider:
—where the law stands
—how pension provision in the UK can be improved and protected

Tuesday March 23, 2010
Start: 23/03/2010 10:00
End: 23/03/2010 16:00

Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

In response to requests from trade union reps facing the harsh realities of working life during an economic crisis, the Institute is organising an innovative one day conference aimed at equipping reps with the information required to assist their members. Having identified the most common issues that crop up day to day, the conference will bring together legal, trade union and social policy experts to determine what we as trade unionists can do to help protect our members and ensure workers rights are not undermined.

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