Employment Law Update: Fairness at Work

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 18/05/2007 - 16:30
04/10/2007 09:30
04/10/2007 16:15

A conference
Thursday 4 October 2007
at the UCU Conference Centre,
Britannia Street, London WC1
organised by
The Institute of Employment Rights in association with
TUC and Old Square Chambers

This is the third IER annual conference organised in association with the TUC and Old Square Chambers. The conference is timed to coincide with the introduction of new legislation, due to come in to force on 1st October. The aim is to ensure trade union
representatives are kept up to date and well informed about developments in employment law. The platform of speakers includes some of the leading UK legal experts in individual employment rights and collective labour law.

Before considering the implications of new legislation, speakers will look at developments over the last 12 months. The programme will begin with an assessment of the ASLEF v UK case and an analysis of the changes required to ensure trade union freedoms are brought in line with international standards.

Speakers will then go on to critically examine the dispute resolution procedures, highlighting how the procedures have been interpreted in recent judicial decisions, and the changes likely to be implemented following the Gibbons Review and the DTI
consultation, with particular emphasis on Polkey.

Practical suggestions on winning cases and maximizing compensation will be offered by two barristers from Old Square Chambers. The first will look at whistleblowing and the protection of whistleblowers. The second will look at the complex question of remedies and schedules of losses.

The afternoon session will begin with a positive report of an equal pay case involving dinner ladies in St Helens and the lessons to be learned. Sticking with discrimination, the next session will provide a practical guide on how best to present and win arguments on the burden of proof. The afternoon session will also hear two keynote presentations including John Cruddas MP and Frances O’Grady, Deputy General Secretary of TUC.


  • 9:30 Registration
  • 9:50 Introduction from Chair: Carolyn Jones, IER

  • 10:00 A new Trade Union Freedom Bill? Using ASLEF v UK to reinstate trade union autonomy.

John Hendy, QC Old Square Chambers

  • 10:30 Dispute Resolution and the ‘Polkey Reduction’: An update.

Richard Arthur, Thompsons Solicitors

  • 11:00 Whistleblowing: which way is the wind blowing?

Ian Scott, Old Square Chambers

  • 11:30 Tea and coffee

  • 11:45 Getting your money’s worth? Maximising returns through remedies and schedules of losses.

Nadia Motraghi, Old Square Chambers

  • 12:15 Discussion
  • 12:30 LUNCH (not provided)

  • 1:30 Learning from Success: Equal pay discrimination –Catering Staff in St Helens.

Victoria Philips, Thompsons Solicitors

  • 2:00 Shifting the Burden of Proof: Is it working?

Deshpal Panesar, Old Square Chambers

  • 2:30 Which way next under Labour?

John Cruddas, MP

  • 3:00 Tea and coffee

  • 3:15 Fairness at work – the next step?

Frances O’Grady, TUC

  • 3.45 Panel discussion and questions
  • 4:15 Close

Who should attend

The conference will be of great interest to trade unionists, employment lawyers, academics and students. It will be of particular interest to Equality Officers needing up to the minute information on developments in case law.

How to book

To reserve your place, complete the form below and send your cheque, made payable to IER, to Institute of Employment Rights, The People’s Centre, 50-54 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5SD. Fax 0151 702 6935.

CPD, NPP and EPP accreditation

This conference counts for 4.5 credit hours under the Law Society’s Continuing Development Scheme and the General Council of the Bar’s New Practitioners’ Programme and Established Practitioners’ Programme.

Additional Information

Details of nearby hotels are available from the office. Name changes are accepted up until the time of the event. Delegates who advise IER of their cancellation more than 15 working days in advance will receive a credit note with 10% deduction for administration.

How to get there

Nearest stations are: Kings Cross and St Pancras (tube and British Rail)


IER subscribers and members £75.00
Trade unions £90.00
Commercial £220.00
The cost of the conference does not include lunch

Register for this Seminar

ELU 07 flyer3.pdf141.56 KB

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