London: Employment Law Update 2011

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 19/10/2011 - 11:27

About the Conference

Once again, the annual IER employment law update conference organised in association with the TUC and Old Square Chambers was a huge success, with over 80 delegates attending. Speakers informed and inspired. The day began with an analysis from Prof. Keith Ewing and Dr. Alan Bogg of employment law in the wider political context. This was followed by Betsan Criddle of Old Square Chambers who gave an overveiw of changes to equality law and Adrian Weir from Unite who unpicked the governemnt agenda,but still left people with some positive messages about what we can do to safeguard rights. After lunch, Steve Cottingham of OH Parsons looked at Blacklisting, particularly in the construction industry and Keith Patten from Thomspons Solicitors spoke about de-regulation of health and Safety and the implications of the soon to be published Loftstedt review. Giles Powell from Old Square chambers talked about some recent decisions of the Court of Appeal that, suprisingly, indicate a shift in favour of a less restrictive application of the legislation, and the day was rounded off by Sarah Veale from the TUC, whose inspiring talk about where we go from here was warmly received.

Speakers were

Professor Keith Ewing, Kings College London
Employment law changes in context

Alan Bogg, Fellow and Tutor in Law, Hertford College

Betsan Criddle, Old Square Chambers
Impacts on Equality

Adrian Weir, UNITE the Union
Employment law Changes: A view from Unite

Steve Cottingham, O H Parsons and Partners, Solicitors
Update on Blacklisting

Keith Patten, Thompsons Solicitors
De-Regulating Health and Safety

Giles Powell, Old Square Chambers
Update on the Law: industrial action

Sarah Veale, TUC
Changes to Employment Law: A ‘Sackers’ Charter?

Click here to download the full programme

Following the conference

Presentations and Papers from the Speakers

Copies of speakers presenations and papers are attached below.

Adrian Weir Presentation.pdf427.98 KB
Alan Bogg Presentation.pdf57.8 KB
Betsan Criddle Presentation.pdf245.26 KB
Giles Powell- Update on the Law, Industrial Action.pdf479.91 KB
Keith Patten Lofstedt Paper.pdf27.52 KB
Keith Patten Presentation.pdf65.8 KB
Sarah Veale Resolving Workplace Disputes TUC Response - FULL.pdf307.6 KB
Keith Ewing Paper ELU 19-10-11.doc44 KB

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