Seminar Papers: Employment Law Update 2006: Protecting Vulnerable Workers; Promoting Equality at Work

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 19/09/2007 - 14:57

Speakers papers from
Employment Law Update 2006: Protecting Vulnerable Workers; Promoting Equality at Work
a conference
Wednesday 4th October, 2006

The Employment Law Update conference was the second occasion working with the TUC and Old Square Chambers to bring delegates up to speed with the latest employment legislation updates.

The new TUPE Regulations powerpoint- Damian Brown140 KB
Extending the procedures- Corinna Ferguson59.5 KB
Extending the procedures powerpoint- Tess Gill66 KB
Critical glance at equality developments- Aileen McColgan80 KB
Discrimination law: Reviewing the latest consultation- Karon Monaghan 397 KB
Extending the procedures powerpoint- Nadia Motraghi 64.5 KB
Michael Ford 142.04 KB
The new TUPE Regulations paper- Damian Brown.doc123.5 KB
Work and families- Ijeoma Omambala86 KB
Extending the procedures paper- Tess Gill.doc105 KB

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