Unison conference fringe meeting: Trade Union Freedom - Working Against Austerity

Submitted by sglenister on Wed, 12/06/2013 - 11:59
19/06/2013 12:45

Wednesday 19 June 2013

A fringe meeting
Hall 2N, Conference Centre
Sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors
Refreshments provided
12:45pm - 1:45pm

About the Conference

The Coalition government has waged an all-out, coordinated, ideological and class-based attack on the very foundations of our country.

April 2013 will be remembered as the turning point when the arrogant posh boys fundamentally undermined the NHS, the welfare benefit system, employment rights and access to justice all within one week.

Little wonder that community opposition is growing, strikes are on the increase and trade unions are once again discussing how best to coordinate a labour movement response to the ConDems austerity measures.

The Institute of Employment Rights has been at the forefront of exposing anti union attacks for over twenty years, offering critical analysis, comparative examples and alternative policies.

IER is now working closely with the recently launched Campaign for Trade Union Freedom to offer another strand of coordinated resistance.

Trade unions are the only organised group able to turn the neoliberal tide – but to do that we need to win the argument for our alternative, economic, industrial and political strategy.

Come to the meeting, hear from our speakers and add your voice to the rising tide of resistance.


Free to conference delegates.


Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool
Kings Dock
Liverpool Waterfront
L3 4FP


Chaired by IER Director and Assistant National Secretary of CTUF Carolyn Jones

John Hendy QC, IER Chair

Jane Carolan, UNISON NEC

John Usher, Director, CTUF

Click here to download the full programme

IER Unison Fringe Meeting.pdf297.37 KB

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