Commit to repayment of £32m tribunal fees, Labour MPs demand

Submitted by sglenister on Fri, 28/07/2017 - 14:04

28 July 2017

Labour MPs have asked the government to confirm that the £32 million that has been illegally charged in tribunal fees over the last four years will be repaid to workers.

The open letter to Justice Minister Dominic Raab, which was led by Shadow Minister for Diverse Communities Dawn Butler, and seen by The Independent, asked for the Tories to "outline this commitment in detail", reminding them that "every person should be paid back in full and as soon as possible".

The letter was quoted by the newspaper as saying: "It is a fact that the employment tribunal fees have disproportionately impacted on women and diverse communities. We are pleased that these fees have now been overturned following the challenge by Unison, however we are concerned about the damage which has already been done.

"As you will be aware, there has been a 79% reduction in cases over three years since the fees were introduced, with many people sadly not being able to afford to bring important cases to court. These people are often on low incomes and some of the most vulnerable people in society.

"We would therefore like to ask what plans you have to recompense all those individuals who were unable to progress their claims due to the fees? These fees blocked access to justice to so many people and potentially ruined lives, so it is essential that the government makes amends to them."

The MPs concluded: "Finally, we would like to know how much public money has been spent by the Government in fighting this case in court?"

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