Corbyn team reiterates support for IER Manifesto

Submitted by sglenister on Tue, 13/09/2016 - 15:34

13 September 2016

At a TUC Congress fringe event held by the Institute of Employment Rights (IER) on Sunday, two leading members of Jeremy Corbyn's team reiterated their support for the Manifesto for Labour Law – 25 policy proposals for reshaping workers' rights under the next Labour government.

Read more about our Manifesto and support our cause

Speaking at the event, Shadow Minister for Trade Unions Ian Lavery said he supported the IER's aims and promised that a Corbyn-led government would repeal laws prohibiting trade union activity within its first 100 days in office.

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, who attended the fringe as a delegate, also stood to give a ringing endorsement of the Manifesto at our post-event social.

The Manifesto has been backed by organisations across the labour movement, with new voices giving their support to our proposals over the weekend, and others reaffirming theirs.

Speaking at the fringe, UNITE General Secretary Len McCluskey described the Manifesto as "music to my ears".

General Secretary of the TUC Frances O'Grady stopped by our stall to lend her support:

Former NUT General Secretary Christine Blower joined us:

BFAWU General Secretary Ronnie Draper, who spoke at the launch of the Manifesto, reiterated his support:

Leader of the Blacklist Support Group Dave Smith stopped by with Morning Star journalist Conrad Landin:

And UNITE's Assistant General Secretary Steve Turner gave his support too:

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