CWU Chief: "Something has gone wrong in the way that Britain is being run"

Submitted by sglenister on Tue, 19/07/2016 - 10:12

19 July 2016

General Secretary of the Communication Workers' Union Dave Ward has backed the Institute of Employment Rights' (IER) Manifesto for Labour Law – 25 policy recommendations for a fairer economy – stating that the way the country is currently being run is unjust.

He explained that the IER's proposals have become even more relevant since last month's referendum.

"Following the vote to leave the EU, it is imperative that the labour movement has a progressive plan for our economy and for workers' rights in this country – the IER has provided the blueprint for this," Dave said.

He added: "For too many people across the country the world of work is now characterised by insecurity, low pay and increasing pressure to work harder and faster, for less. These workers would be the hardest hit by further austerity or any reductions in employment rights and we cannot allow this to happen.

"The CWU fully supports the IER's plan to strengthen the UK's economy by reducing inequality instead. By giving workers the strong voice they need to raise wages, improve working conditions, and further their training and education, the UK can compete by having a highly skilled productive workforce rather than joining a race to the bottom on employment standards.

"It is ridiculous that as the world's 5th largest economy we have the largest wage inequality in Europe. Obviously, something has gone wrong in the way that Britain is being run. With the Labour leadership the most progressive it has been in decades, now is the time for those who believe in a fairer society to join together and get behind the IER's progressive policies."

Other major unions who have come forward to back the Manifesto so far include Unite, NUT, FBU and BFAWU.

Read more about the Manifesto here

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