Debate over a general strike continues

Submitted by sglenister on Fri, 23/11/2012 - 15:56

23 November 2012

Debate is continuing among UK trade unions over the possibility of staging a general strike.

The discussion follows a vote by delegates at September's TUC Congress approving the consideration of the practicalities of a general strike.

Mark Serwotka, General Secretary of PCS, recently told a public meeting in Cardiff that the debate was still ongoing as to how to approach the issue.

One reason there may be more reticence in the UK compared with Europe - where millions of workers from 23 countries recently took to the streets for the pan-European general strike of November 14th - is that the right to strike is not protected by UK law as it is on the continent.

For this reason, our Chair and President - John Hendy QC and Professor Keith Ewing respectively - have released a briefing on the legality of taking such action in the UK, in which they argue that workers would be protected by the European Human Rights Convention if they decided to stage a day of protest against austerity cuts.

The publication - Days of Action - has been widely popular, particularly since the resolution to consider the practicalities of a general strike was passed at the TUC.

Click here to read more and buy your copy

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