EDM calls for changes to TUPE Regulations to be annulled

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 14/03/2014 - 11:30

14 March 2014

On 1st march 2014 Ed Miliband tabled an EDM calling for the recent changes to the TUPE Regulations to be annulled.

Commenting on the EDM, Sampson Low, UNISON Head of Policy, said:

"The coalition changes to the TUPE Regulations made it easier to cut pay and conditions for any worker transferred between employers. If Labour commits to a reversal then it will provide practical and real help to local union reps negotiating new employment contracts on behalf of their colleagues. It is welcome that Ed Miliband and the shadow cabinet have signed up."

The EDM currently has 35 signatures. Progress of the EDM can be followed here .

Changes introduced to the TUPE Regulations will be discussed at a recently announced IER Conference on 26th June. Book your place now Book your place now .

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