Equality Trust supports implementation of Socio-Economic Duty

Submitted by sglenister on Fri, 02/03/2018 - 18:35

02 March 2018

Charity the Equality Trust has announced its support for the implementation of the Socio-Economic Duty - a measure also recommended by the Institute of Employment Rights in our influential Manifesto for Labour Law.

The Socio-Economic Duty is a requirement on public bodies to act in such a way as to reduce the inequalities that arise from socio-economic disadvantage when making and enforcing policies. It was legislated for in Section 1 of The Equality Act 2010 by the Labour Party, but the Coalition government that took power in that year scrapped its implementation.

Now, an Early Day Motion (EDM 591: commencement and enforcement of the Socio-Economic Duty) has been launched in Westminster, to which almost 70 MPs from across five political parties have already added their signature.

The Equality Trust and Just Fair are appealing to voters to write to their MP and encourage them to support the EDM, as well as raise awareness by writing letters to local media.

In our 2016 Manifesto, which has since been adopted as the "blueprint" for Labour Party policy on employment rights, it was also proposed that The Equality Act 2010 is strengthened to extend the list of 'protected characteristics' to include socioeconomic status, thereby providing protections to those discriminated against by employers for their socio-economic background.

Read more about our Manifesto for Labour Law here

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