IER fringe: POA annual conference

Submitted by james on Thu, 11/05/2017 - 12:42

11 May 2017

The IER fringe meeting at POA annual conference in Southport on Wednesday 10th of May 2017.

The Chair of the Institute of Employment Rights, John Hendy QC and the General Secretary of POA Steve Gillan, both presented the IER fringe at POA annual conference this year. John Hendy introduced and discussed the ideas for reform for stronger rights at work in our publication ‘A Manifesto for Labour Law: towards a comprehensive revision of workers’ rights’.

Of particular interest was the historical restrictions for prison officers on their ability to take strike action, which were brought in by the Conservative government of the 1980’s. The recommendations in our Manifesto would mean the full restoration of the right to strike across all sectors of employment, as well as proper access to justice with the ability to take your employer to court without fear of tribunal fees. There would also be a Ministry of Labour and a labour inspectorate, designed to make sure that the law was being adhered to by employers. For more information on the Manifesto please take a look at our main Manifesto page here.

We would like to thank Steve Gillan and the POA for their hospitality and for their kind assistance in helping to put on this event

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