John McDonnell endorses IER at Unite Conference

Submitted by sglenister on Fri, 06/07/2018 - 17:17

06 July 2018

The Institute of Employment Rights was at the Unite union conference this week, where Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell endorsed the proposals of our Manifesto for Labour Law, and we welcomed Shadow Business Minister Rebecca Long-Bailey to our fringe meeting.

John McDonnell

Speaking to delegates in the main hall yesterday (Thursday 05 July 2018), McDonnell confirmed that the Manifesto for Labour Law will inform the employment policies of the Labour Party.

Rebecca Long Bailey at IER/CTUF Fringe

The IER held a joint fringe meeting with the Campaign for Trade Union Freedom, at which Shadow Business Minister Rebecca Long-Bailey spoke, on Tuesday (03 July).

She went into more detail as to the main problems currently faced by workers, and how the IER's proposals can help towards a solution.

Other speakers included the IER's President Professor Keith Ewing and Chair John Hendy QC, who took delegates through our recommendations in more detail.

We were also delighted to welcome to our fringe Lauren Townsend, a young trade unionist who has been instrumental in the fight for workers to keep their tips at TGI Fridays, and is among a group of staff who recruited 250 workers to Unite the Union in just half a year. Lauren told delegates her story at our meeting, but also at the conference's main hall, which you can watch in the video below.

IER at United Left fringe

On Wednesday (04 July), Director of the IER Carolyn Jones spoke on the Manifesto at United Left's fringe, where she was joined on the panel by Unite Assistant General Secretary Steve Turner; then met with Lauren Townsend for a photo opportunity - see gallery below.

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