Leverhulme Trust to host free event on ‘Voices in and beyond the workplace’, at home and abroad

Submitted by sglenister on Fri, 31/05/2013 - 15:54

31 May 2013

The Leverhulme Trust will host a free event featuring Institute of Employment Rights speakers, examining labour law at home and abroad during the recession.






‘Voices in and beyond the workplace’

Saturday 29 June 2013

10 am – 5 pm

The Work Foundation – 21 Palmer Street, London SW1H 0AD

This daylong conference will report the preliminary findings of a three year Leverhulme Trust project, which has involved comparative study of labour laws and industrial relations systems in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The day will end with a panel discussion on ‘Voice in an Age of Austerity’.

Attendance is FREE but capacity is limited so PLEASE CONFIRM A PLACE by emailing our Network Facilitator, Sarah Tew: st7590@bristol.ac.uk.

Tea, coffee and still water will be available all day.

We regret that we are unable to provide lunch, but there will be an opportunity for you to purchase lunch at nearby shops and cafes.

Speakers include: Gordon Anderson, Alan Bogg, Nicola Countouris, Keith Ewing, Anthony Forsyth, Mark Freedland, Gregor Gall, Will Hutton, Andrew Johnston, Bronwyn McKenna, Wanjiru Njoya, Tonia Novitz, Pam Nuttall, Eric Tucker, and Sarah Veale.

For the VOICES AT WORK website, see: voicesatwork.org.uk


10am – 10.15am


10.15am – 11.15am

Regional and overarching themes & findings

Panel discussion: Alan Bogg and Tonia Novitz (co-organisers of the Voices at Work project, UK), Anthony Forsyth (Australia) and Eric Tucker (Canada).

11.30pm – 12.45pm

Contractual dimensions of voice

Common Law and Voice – Mark Freedland and Nicola Countouris (UK)

Good Faith Obligations - Gordon Anderson and Pam Nuttall (NZ)


2pm – 3.15pm

Collective dimensions of voice

Public Sector Collective Bargaining – Gregor Gall (UK)

Corporate Governance and Consultative Mechanisms – Andrew Johnston and Wanjiru Njoya (Australia/UK)

3.30pm – 4.45pm

Voice in an age of austerity

Panel discussion: Will Hutton (Hertford College, Oxford/ The Observer), Sarah Veale (TUC), Bronwyn McKenna (UNISON), Keith Ewing (King’s College, London/Institute of Employment Rights)

4.45pm – 5pm

Concluding comments

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