NW TUC backs general strike

Submitted by sglenister on Fri, 15/03/2013 - 15:29

15 March 2013

The 130 delegates in attendance at the North West TUC conference unanimously agreed to back any call from the TUC for general strike activity once the TUC General Council have completed their deliberation over the practicalities of holding a general strike.

Following a passionate speech by TUC General Secretary Francis O'Grady, in which she highlighted the damaging impact of the government's swingeing austerity cuts, a motion calling for support for a general strike received thunderous applause.

The final motion, as amended by the PCS, was adopted. The unanimous vote provides an indication of the mood among trade unions and the growing frustration against the Coalition's ideological regime.

The legality of holding a general strike in the UK is a complicated matter, but one that IER Chair and President, John Hendy QC and Keith Ewing respectively, have broached in their bestselling book on the matter.

To purchase the publication - Days of Action - please go here.

Join Dave Prentis, General Secretary of Unison, and senior officials from Unite, PCS, GMB and the TUC to debate public sector cuts, privatisation and employment law in London and Liverpool.

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