The People's Assembly 'End Austerity Now' Demonstration

Submitted by beth on Wed, 13/05/2015 - 12:48

13 May 2015

The IER, a founder signatory to the People’s Assembly, is supporting this post-election demonstration to keep our anti-austerity message at the public and political forefront.

In the last few days, we’ve seen a staggering 45,000 people pledge to take to the streets on June 20 and tell the new government to End Austerity Now.

With the Tories going it alone in government we know exactly what to expect – more destructive cuts, and more attacks on our communities.

Now is the time to mobilise, to spread the word and to put everything we have into showing the full force of anti-austerity opinion in Britain. But organising a demonstration of this size will need all the help we can get, and we have six weeks to make it happen.

We’re asking every one of our supporters to please donate to our National Demo Appeal to make this as big and effective as possible.

Currently, The People’s Assembly is totally reliant on donations, and to pull off this event we expect the costs to be at least £60,000. However, with every pound that is donated, we can produce more flyers, mobilise more towns and cities, organise more transport from across the country, and bring hundreds of thousands of people into the city of London on June 20.

Donate Now! What could you help fund?

£5: Will enable us to print and assemble 5 placards

£10: Will fund 250 flyers and posters to be sent to a local group

£20: Will assist us in getting a space in the papers, live broadcasting, and capturing mass media attention

£50: Support us to book an enormous sound system to make sure the whole of London can hear us

No amount is too big or too small, so please donate and spread the word, and thank you to all those that have already make contributions. Together, we can make this happen!

We will be sending out regular updates of route, speakers and more days of action this week. Watch this space.

Please make sure you invite your friends to the facebook event – click here

In solidarity,

The People’s Assembly Against Austerity

p.s. Thinking of organising a coach from your local area? We want to bring more than 100 into London on June 20. Get in touch:

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