Socialist newspaper banned from Whitehall
02 November 2012
A parliamentary probe has revealed all Whitehall departments have stopped buying copies of the Morning Star.
The UK's only daily socialist newspaper the Morning Star, which often includes articles by trade union officials and other prominent left-wing figures, has been banned from Whitehall, it has been revealed.
Labour MP Jonathan Ashworth conducted a parliamentary probe, which uncovered the fact that of the £41,753 spent on newspapers and periodicals in the past year, none was used to purchase the publication, although the Treasury did see fit to order the Daily Star - presumably to immerse themselves in the important political commentary therein.
Editor of the Morning Star Richard Bagley told us:
"The conservative Coalition has made it clear it sees it as a badge of honour to wage an ideological class war against trade unions and the labour movement - and that extends to the movement's paper the Morning Star.
"This blanket ban on a title that even Tory idols Thatcher and Churchill saw the value of reading provides yet more evidence that this toff government is clueless and out of touch.
"The fact Whitehall buys rock-bottom celebrity rag the Daily Star but not the Morning Star underlines their contempt for the issues faced by ordinary people day in, day out."
This revelation underlines the anti-worker and anti-trade union ideology that drives the Coalition's policies and which the IER has been laying bare on our interactive Coalition timeline.
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