TUC Congress, UNITE pass motions to back Manifesto for Labour Law

Submitted by sglenister on Fri, 23/09/2016 - 15:28

23 September 2016

TUC Congress and UNITE have passed official motions backing the Institute of Employment Rights' Manifesto for Labour Law.

Composite Motion No.7 - "Protecting worker and trade union rights in the EU Brexit" - was carried by this year's TUC Congress, after it was moved by UNISON, seconded by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and supported by the Royal College of Midwives and the FDA.

Congress called for "the promotion of the IER Manifesto for Labour Law", the repeal of the Trade Union Act 2016 (which is also recommended in the IER's proposals), the recognition of trade unions as key stakeholders in the Brexit negotiations, a campaign to ensure worker and trade union rights established by the EU are protected, the rights of existing migrant workers to be protected, a coordinated resistance against any further attacks on workers' rights, and a campaign to end the policy of public sector pay restraint.

"Congress believes that the purpose of the trade union movement is to ensure that workers’ rights are protected, maintained and enhanced. We must oppose any assault on those rights as a result of the decision to leave the EU," the motion stated.

This week, UNITE's Executive Committee also passed a motion to back the Manifesto with unanimous support from its officers.

"The publication of the Manifesto moves the debate on from a simple call to repeal the anti-union laws to a serious discussion about a holistic approach and a new framework for employment rights covering trade unions and all workers whatever their employment status, including access to justice for all," the motion stated.

UNITE's Executive Committee also stated that it "commends the Manifesto and believes that it should provide a blueprint for policy on labour rights at the 2020 General Election or sooner, should that be the case".

Indeed, Labour's leadership has endorsed the Manifesto, with Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell stating that the IER's 25 proposals would be the framework on which Labour's policies are based.

Click here to read a summary of our recommendations and support the Manifesto

TUC 2016 C07 Protecting worker and trade union rights in the EU Brexit Motion 17 and amendments.docx12.5 KB

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