Winner of the IER Kindle Fire competition revealed!

Submitted by sglenister on Thu, 12/09/2013 - 14:01

12 September 2013

Many thanks to everybody who stopped by our stall at this year's TUC Congress and entered our prize draw for a brand new Kindle Fire.

The winner's name was picked out of the hat by Maria Excell of the CWU and Campaign for Trade Union Freedom at the end of Congress and we took a quick picture of him accepting his prize.

So it's congratulations to Naz Iqbal from Usdaw, who is pictured below with Director of the Institute of Employment Rights Carolyn Jones.

Naz Iqbal of Usdaw receiving his brand new Kindle Fire from Director of the IER Carolyn Jones
Naz Iqbal of Usdaw receiving his brand new Kindle Fire from Director of the IER Carolyn Jones

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