News Brief 08/11/2013

Submitted by sglenister on Fri, 08/11/2013 - 17:45

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In the news this week

The Tories have shown their true colours once again, with George Osborne reminding the Tories NOT to try and improve living standards in the UK, and David Cameron giving Lynton Crosby - centre of the recent lobbying scandal - a full-time job!

While the Lobbying Bill still threatens the democratic rights of charities, campaigners and trade unions, this just goes to show how little concern the Tories have about the dangers of corporate lobbying to the very nature of our democracy.

New on the Coalition Timeline

Click here to see the Coalition Timeline

Trade union rights

  • Cameron likens unions to mafia (06/11/2013)

Labour Migration

Migrants bring net profit to UK – let's silence the myths and talk about the real problems

By Sarah Glenister, IER staff

Immigration has been a hot topic for years, and one that is unlikely to disappear anytime soon, but new research shows the perception of 'benefit tourism' is a myth indicates the dialogue on this subject needs to change.

Labour Migration in Hard Times

Wednesday 20 November 2013
A one-day conference
Diskus Room, Unite Building, Theobalds Road, London


Lobbying Bill

Government forced into Lobbying Bill Pause

Following widespread opposition to both the content of the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill and the way it has been hurriedly progressed through parliament, the government has agreed to pause the Bill up to six weeks.

Access to Justice

High rates of non-payment of compensation by employers shows how damaging the Coalition's reforms will be to workers

By David Renton, Garden Court Chambers

The publication of research showing a significant proportion of employers do not pay the compensation they owe to successful claimants at employment tribunal shows the promise that workers' fees for justice will be reimbursed if they win their case means nothing. What we need to see the government now is action to readdress the balance.

Access to Justice

David Renton will be one of the speakers at our forthcoming conference in London and Liverpool.



Justice Deferred: a critical guide to the Coalition's employment tribunal reforms

By David Renton and Anna Macey

Justice Deferred maps out in a concise, easy to read, accessible style and language, the ideologically driven path being pursued by the Coalition Government. It provides a critical guide to changes in employment tribunal rules and procedures.

Employment Law

Don't Mourn, Organise! - Experts speak on what's next for employment rights

By Janet Newsham

Janet Newsham, a delegate at the IER's Employment Law Update conference in Liverpool yesterday (06 November 2013), reports on the experts' advice on the road ahead for employment rights.

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IER Manifesto for Collective Bargaining

Hendy and Ewing to lead collective bargaining debate at Class national conference

President of the IER Professor Keith Ewing and IER Chair John Hendy QC will be leading the debate on collective bargaining at next weekend’s Class National Conference.

Read the ten-point manifesto

By the book

VIDEOS: Watch the experts

PODCASTS: Listen to the experts


New publications

Reconstruction after the crisis: a manifesto for collective bargaining

By Professor Keith Ewing and John Hendy QC

This publication presents an evidence-based policy proposal for the state encouragement of collective bargaining, and particularly sectoral bargaining, as a tried-and-tested means of reducing income inequality and stimulating the sustainable recovery of a strong and resilient economy.

Labour Law Highlights 1013

By Rebecca Tuck, Betsan Criddle & Stuart Brittenden

SPECIAL OFFER – 4 for the price of 1! Buy Labour Law Highlights 2013 and get Labour Law Highlights 2012, 2011, and 2010 for free! Already got past copies of Labour Law Highlights? You can still buy this year’s copy on its own for the usual price of £8.

Forthcoming events

Our autumn events are our most popular and are already selling out, so make sure you book in early!

Equality and Discrimination: What next for equal rights?

Wednesday 04 December 2013
A one-day conference
Unite the Union, London



Wednesday 22 January 2014
A one-day conference
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool



Pensions: Changes and challenges

Wednesday 12 February 2014
A one-day conference
Unite the Union, London



Wednesday 26 February 2014
A one-day conference
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

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