News Brief 14/11/2013

Submitted by sglenister on Thu, 14/11/2013 - 16:51

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In the news this week

This week's news has centred around concerns regarding whether or not a recovery in the economy will translate into jobs.

The IER believes no recovery can be sustainable, and no growth will lead to improved income equality in the UK, unless employers and staff work together to negotiate the best wages and conditions for their industry and for their workforce. This process is known as collective bargaining and is widely used in other developed nations including Europe's largest economy Germany, which founds its labour law on collective bargaining.

More about our Manifesto for Collective Bargaining below.

New on the Coalition Timeline

Click here to see the Coalition Timeline

Increasing vulnerability in the workplace

  • Tory think tank opposes EU-protected employment law (10/11/2013)

Pay and benefits

  • Govt encourages unpaid work for young people (11/11/2013)

Labour Migration

Seven benefits Eastern European Migrant workers have brought to the UK

By Sarah Glenister, IER staff

While the right wing say immigration is a burden on our country, the IER believes migrant workers add to our economy and labour market could add more if they were better protected against exploitation.

Labour Migration in Hard Times

Wednesday 20 November 2013
A one-day conference
Diskus Room, Unite Building, Theobalds Road, London


Pay and Benefits

Young workers should be paid at least the minimum wage (govt says while encouraging unpaid work experience for 23-year-olds)

By Sarah Glenister, IER Staff

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills at first appeared to be in a state of ideological confusion this week, as it called for internships to always be paid at least the National Minimum Wage (NMW) while simultaneously encouraging the use of unpaid work experience schemes for people up to the age of 23.



Forthcoming events

Equality and Discrimination: What next for equal rights?

Wednesday 04 December 2013
A one-day conference
Unite the Union, London



Wednesday 22 January 2014
A one-day conference
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool



Pensions: Changes and challenges

Wednesday 12 February 2014
A one-day conference
Unite the Union, London



Wednesday 26 February 2014
A one-day conference
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool



Wednesday 05 March 2014
A one-day conference
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool



Wednesday 19 March 2014
A one-day conference
Unison, Euston Road, London

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IER Manifesto for Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining - the only way to a fairer Britain for all

By Sarah Glenister, IER staff

The IER's manifesto to restore workers' right to fight collectively points to a decent future for our country.

Read the ten-point manifesto

By the book

VIDEOS: Watch the experts

PODCASTS: Listen to the experts


New publications

Justice Deferred: a critical guide to the Coalition's employment tribunal reforms

By David Renton and Anna Macey

Justice Deferred maps out in a concise, easy to read, accessible style and language, the ideologically driven path being pursued by the Coalition Government. It provides a critical guide to changes in employment tribunal rules and procedures.

Reconstruction after the crisis: a manifesto for collective bargaining

By Professor Keith Ewing and John Hendy QC

This publication presents an evidence-based policy proposal for the state encouragement of collective bargaining, and particularly sectoral bargaining, as a tried-and-tested means of reducing income inequality and stimulating the sustainable recovery of a strong and resilient economy.

Labour Law Highlights 1013

By Rebecca Tuck, Betsan Criddle & Stuart Brittenden

SPECIAL OFFER – 4 for the price of 1! Buy Labour Law Highlights 2013 and get Labour Law Highlights 2012, 2011, and 2010 for free! Already got past copies of Labour Law Highlights? You can still buy this year’s copy on its own for the usual price of £8.

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