News Brief 31/01/2014

Submitted by sglenister on Thu, 30/01/2014 - 17:41

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This week written by Laura Ryder



New on the Coalition Timeline

Click here to see the Coalition Timeline

Pay and Benefits

  • Lib Dems push controversial pension scheme (29/01/2014)

Trade union rights

  • Tories won't apologize for miners' strike (30/01/2014)
  • "Good Chance" Tory manifesto will make strikes almost impossible (30/01/2014)
  • Tories want to minimise Human Rights Charter (30/01/2014)


  • Tory MPs propose a ban on HIV positive immigrants coming to Britain (30/01/2014)

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Public rally: Hands off our Unions, defend our right to resist austerity

On Tuesday 11 February at 6:30pm, at the Camden Centre in London, the Institute of Employment Rights (IER) will be holding a public rally co-hosted by the People's Assembly and the Campaign for Trade Union Freedom. Come along to fight for union rights with speakers Len McCluskey, General Secretary of Unite the Union; Mark Serwotka, General Secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union; comedian Francesca Martinez; and Chair of the IER John Hendy QC. Read more...


Pay and benefits

Home Office dishes out £6.5m in bonuses following mass redundancies

The Home Affairs Committee has published a report on the work of the Permanent Secretary, which showed that the Home Office has paid huge bonuses to its staff despite the government making hundreds of thousands of people redundant due to the ‘financial situation’. Read more...


Real wages have been falling since the 1970s and living standards are not about to recover

Two pieces of research published today (31 January 2014) show that real wages have been falling since Thatcher's era in the 1980s, while weak economic recovery under the Coalition does not mean that living standards will recover just yet. Read more...



New TUPE regulations come into effect

The Coalition's new TUPE regulations came into effect today (31 January 2014), weakening protection for workers whose jobs are being transferred to a new employer. Read more...


Health and safety

Cameron boasts of cuts to safety regulations

Prime Minister, David Cameron announced yesterday, 28 January 2014, that 80,000 pages of environmental protections and building guidelines have been torn up in order to cut costs and to invest in construction. Read more...


Trade union rights

ETUC: Troika's policy of austerity and deregulation denounced

Yesterday, 27 January 2014, the ETUC brought to light the results of their investigation into the activities of the Troika in various countries. Read more...


Woolworths victory taken to CJEU appeal

A landmark victory by trade union Usdaw is being appealed against by the government at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). Read more...


PDA invited to declare incompatibility between UK law and human rights

The Pharmacists’ Defence Association Union (PDA) has been invited by the High Court to make an application for a declaration of incompatibility between UK law and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) after the union was refused recognition by Boots Management Services. Read more...


Labour demands apology for Tory reaction to miners' strike

Labour is asking the government to issue an apology on behalf of Margret Thatcher's administration during the 1984-85 miners' strike. Read more...


Tories refuse to apologise for plan to disrupt strike with troops

The Conservative Party has refused to issue an apology on behalf of Margaret Thatcher’s government for its plans to send troops in to break up the miners’ strike and for lying to the public about the scale of pit shutdowns. Read more...


Tory wants to minimise effect of human rights charter

The Tory government wants to establish a clear legal precedent so that the European Union's Charter of Fundamental Rights only has a minimal role in British courts. Read more...


"Good chance" Tory manifesto will make it nigh impossible to strike

London mayor Boris Johnson has said there is a “good chance” the Conservative Party Manifesto for 2015 will include tougher restrictions on union balloting practice, which will make it nigh impossible for workers to strike. Read more...


Lobbying Bill

Lobbying Bill to become law after Lords amendments fail

The controversial Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill is to become law after it passed through the Lords without amendments. Read more...



Controversial pension scheme is not an option

Despite controversy and uncertainty the Lib Dem minister is trying to push forward a new pensions scheme that could be potentially detrimental to pensioners and their later life income. Read more...


Indirect employees receiving poorer pension coverage

On Monday, 27 January 2014, a group of university cleaners kicked off a three day strike as part of their 'three things' campaign. Read more...



Spending cuts will hit deprived areas hardest

The Labour party has claimed that the communities who will suffer most from the local government cuts will be the more disadvantaged areas in England. Statistics show that between the years of 2010/11 and 2015/16, the percentage cut in spending will rise ten times in the more deprived communities than the better off ones. Read more...

Workers' rights

Lord Freud celebrates reserve army of desperate unemployed

By Sarah Glenister, IER staff

In a speech yesterday (28 January 2014) to the National Youth Employment Summit, Lord Freud celebrated the new “flexibility” of workers expected following the introduction of Universal Credit (UC). Read more...

MA in International Labour & Trade Union Studies (ILTUS) at

Ruskin College, Oxford

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New publications

Labour migration in hard times: Reforming labour market regulation?

Edited by Bernard Ryan

A collection of papers by the UK's leading experts on labour migration on the exploitation of migrant workers and the need for labour law reform.

Justice Deferred: a critical guide to the Coalition's employment tribunal reforms

By David Renton and Anna Macey

Justice Deferred maps out in a concise, easy to read, accessible style and language, the ideologically driven path being pursued by the Coalition Government. It provides a critical guide to changes in employment tribunal rules and procedures.

Reconstruction after the crisis: a manifesto for collective bargaining

By Professor Keith Ewing and John Hendy QC

This publication presents an evidence-based policy proposal for the state encouragement of collective bargaining, and particularly sectoral bargaining, as a tried-and-tested means of reducing income inequality and stimulating the sustainable recovery of a strong and resilient economy.

Labour Law Highlights 1013

By Rebecca Tuck, Betsan Criddle & Stuart Brittenden

SPECIAL OFFER – 4 for the price of 1! Buy Labour Law Highlights 2013 and get Labour Law Highlights 2012, 2011, and 2010 for free! Already got past copies of Labour Law Highlights? You can still buy this year’s copy on its own for the usual price of £8.

Forthcoming events

Pensions: Changes and challenges

Wednesday 12 February 2014
A one-day conference
Unite the Union, London



Wednesday 26 February 2014
A one-day conference
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool



Wednesday 05 March 2014
A one-day conference
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool



Wednesday 19 March 2014
A one-day conference
Unison, Euston Road, London

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