News Brief 5 September

Submitted by claudiaobrien on Fri, 05/09/2014 - 14:51

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In the news this week

In the lead up to TUC Congress 2014, a series of research detailing the severity of Britain’s low pay landscape has been published. With one in five workers now earning less than £7.71 an hour – and the proportion of low-paid young workers having tripled since 1975 – the restoration of collective bargaining is increasingly urgent.

Continue reading to find out more about rising wage inequality, and the IERs upcoming TUC fringe event

New on the Coalition Timeline

Click here to see the Coalition Timeline



  • Underemployed hits 3.4 million (5/9/2014)
  • Unemployment double pre-crisis level (4/9/2014)

Pay and Benefits

  • TUC: Women hit hardest by low pay (28/8/2014)
  • One in three workers now low paid (3/8/2014)


How Much is a Holiday Worth?

By Camilla Belich

This October the Leicester Employment Tribunal is to consider the CJEU decision on commission payment during holiday. On 22 May 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) handed down their decision in Lock v British Gas. UNISON member Joe Lock was successful in his claim that paid annual leave should include commission payments if these were part of his normal pay.

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Collective Bargaining is Key

By Professor Keith Ewing and John Hendy QC

In an important speech in May 2014, Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England spoke out about the need for ‘distributive justice’, ‘social equity’, and fairness between generations.
Carney continued – in what might be seen by some as an excoriating attack on the impact of government policy – by saying that ‘relative equality is good for growth’; and that ‘inequality is one of the most important determinants of relative happiness and a sense of community’…

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That option no longer exists: Britain 1974-76. A Review.

By Enrico Tortolano, Research and Policy Officer, PCS.

Of all post-war decades, the 1970s has undoubtedly had the worst press. Strikes, street violence, terrorism, permissiveness, high inflation levels, cold winters, hot summers even the failure of England to qualify for the 1974 World Cup gets promulgated by the power elite as the outcome of disastrous socialist policies. Footage of scavenged rubbish saturating Leicester Square has been beamed into our living rooms so often it now stalks the corridors of our minds…

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UCL must do more to stop labour abuses in Qatar

International pressure on UCL to do more to help workers on its Qatari campus is mounting. The International Trades Union Confederation (ITUC) has criticised UCL, along with seven American and one French University, for the mistreatment of workers in Qatar’s “Education City” in Doha; an academic complex that houses branches of several prestigious universities.

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Underemployment hits 3.4 million

Underemployment – those in work but wanting more hours – has risen by 432,000 under the coalition government, with an increase of 100,000 over the last two years. The number of self-employed citing underemployment has risen most sharply. These figures underline the superficiality of the supposedly improving jobs market. While the numbers of those in work may be rising, it is imperative to look at the quality of employment, as well as the quantity.

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One in five workers now low paid

Center for Cities, an independent think tank, has published a report, “unequal opportunities”. Commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree foundation, the report draws attention to the polarisation of the employment market: soaring executive pay and bonuses at one end, a proliferation of low paid, part-time work at the other. One in five UK workers are now low paid; low pay is defined as wages of less than £7.71 an hour, or two-thirds of the hourly median wage (£11.56).

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IER Fringe Event at TUC Congress, Sunday, 7th September

7pm, Liverpool Media Academy, 85-89 Duke Street, L1 5AP

John Hendy QC and Len McClusky will be discussing: “What do we want to see from the next Labour Government?”
Lynn Collins, NW TUC Regional Secretary will also join the platform to welcome delegates to the first fringe of 2014 Congress.


Re-regulating Zero Hours Contracts

By Zoe Adams and Simon Deakin

ZHCs are highly profitable for employers, but lead to insecurity of income and low pay for workers. The authors point to rigidities in employment law and the operation of the tax-benefit system as being responsible for the rise in zero hours contracting. Order your copy here

Trade Unions and Economic Inequality

By Dr Lydia Hayes and Professor Tonia Novitz

What is the point of trade unions? What do they deliver? Are trade unions relevant in 21st century modern society? These and many other questions are answered by the authors of this timely and well presented report. Order your copy here

TUPE 2014

By Richard Arthur

A collection of papers by the UK’s leading experts on labour migration on the exploitation of migrant workers and the need for labour law reform.

Forthcoming Events

Employment Law Update 2014, Unite the Union, London

Tuesday 7 October 2014

This 10th annual IER conference is designed to ensure trade union representatives are kept up to date and well-informed about developments in employment law. It is a must go to event for anyone with an interest in employment law and the protection of collective and individual workers’ rights.


Employment Law Update 2014, Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

Wednesday 22 October 2014
This 7th annual IER conference in the North West is designed to ensure trade union representatives are kept up to date and well-informed about developments in employment law. It is a must go to event for anyone with an interest in employment law and the protection of collective and individual workers’ rights.


Equality and Discrimination: What Next For Equal Rights? , Unite the Union, London

Wednesday 19 November 2014
Four years after the introduction of the Equality Act and where are we now? Leading equality experts from the law, trade unions and academia will come together to critically assess the latest case law, precedents and evidence and anticipate where they will lead us in terms of ensuring fairness at work for all.

TUPE Update: the new Regulations, Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

Wednesday 3rd December 2014
The government published new TUPE Regulations in November 2013, revealing service provision rules will not be repealed, but several changes will be made that could hinder trade union activity. There are many uncertainties about the new regulations and the conference will aim to provide answers to many questions plus any additional questions from delegates on the day.

Help us to celebrate 25 years of the Institute

Donations are coming in daily to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Institute. If you make a donation, don’t forget to send us a supporting statement about why you support the institute. So, whether you’re an individual or a branch, whether it’s £25 or £250, join in and you’ll be included in out monthly draw to win a free place at an IER event!

IER Manifesto for Collective Bargaining

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