News Brief 17 April 2015

Submitted by claudiaobrien on Fri, 17/04/2015 - 06:29

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By Claudia O’Brian


Employment rights are becoming a focal point of the election race. This week at Labour’s manifesto launch, Ed Miliband said that Britain needed to break with the belief that “low pay is necessary for Britain to succeed.”

He said; “I am ready. Ready to put an end to the tired old idea that as long as we look after the rich and powerful we will all be OK.

“Ready to put into practice the truth that it is only when working people succeed, that Britain succeeds.”

The IER is holding an event Workplace Issues: Taking up the issues with the new government. Scroll down for more information


Personal Tax Allowance does not help low earners

Personal Tax Allowance is a hot topic at the moment. While it may appear a progressive move, the TUC has published an analysis, the latest in a long line, that shows increasing personal tax allowance actually widens inequality.

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The Conservative manifesto: Strike ballots

It has been said many a time that the UK’s legislation on industrial disputes is already one of the most regressive of any developed economy. If the Tories are reelected, it’s set to get even worse.

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TUC: Deflation threat is the mark of a failed economic plan

CPI (Consumer Price Index) inflation is at zero percent for the second month in a row. This CPI rate is the lowest since estimates began in the 1980s. But what does it mean?

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Strike action at Windsor Castle

Members of the Royal household have backed industrial action for the first time. Members of PCS were balloted in the dispute over low-pay. The union represents 120 staff at Windsor Castle and 76 were balloted. The turnout was 82 percent, with 84 percent voting for action short of a strike.

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New on the Coalition Timeline

Click here to see the Coalition Timeline


Trade Union Freedoms

  • UN: Strike threshold plans are probably illegal

Pay and Benefits

  • Workers who were denied minimum wage will not recoup holiday pay/li>


  • Tories plan to halt the spread of wind farms, costing 9000+ jobs
  • Personal Tax Allowance is worth 10 times as much to high earners

Collective Bargaining Video – Why we need it

To mark #fairpayfortnight we have released a video on collective bargaining. What is it? Why do we need it? What will be the consequences of its restoration? Keith Ewing and John Hendy explain all…

Watch the collective bargaining video here

IER Manifesto for Collective Bargaining


Workplace Issues: Taking up the issues with the new government

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Diskus Room, Unite the Union, London

This event will be the first IER conference to take place after the general election, providing an excellent opportunity to assess the government’s programme of work. How will worker’s rights fair under a new regime? Which labour law topics will trade unionists need to be aware of in order to best protect their members at work?

Featured Publication – Election 2015: What’s at stake for work, pay and trade unions?

Contributors: Professor Tonia Novitz, University of Bristol Law School; Professor Ozlem Onaran, University of  Greenwich; Dr Lydia Hayes, Cardiff University; Carolyn Jones, Institute of Employment Rights; and James Lazou, Unite the Union.

This guide outlines the scale of the fall in living standards since 2008, the explosion of low-wage, insecure work and how working people and their unions have seen their rights attacked. By explaining the link between strong trade unions, widespread collective bargaining and lower inequality the pamphlet suggests short and long term policy interventions that would improve the living standards of working people and begin to steer the economy in a more equitable direction with collective bargaining at its core.

You can read and download the election guide here.


Justice Deferred: a critical guide to the Coalition’s employment tribunal reforms

By David Renton and Anna Macey

This publication offers a chilling reminder of the extent to which access to justice is being systematically shut down by the Coalition government.

Trade Unions and Economic Inequality

By Dr Lydia Hayes and Professor Tonia Novitz

What is the point of trade unions? What do they deliver? Are trade unions relevant in 21st century modern society? These and many other questions are answered by the authors of this timely and well presented report. Order your copy here

Re-regulating Zero Hours Contracts

By Zoe Adams and Simon Deakin

ZHCs are highly profitable for employers, but lead to insecurity of income and low pay for workers. The authors point to rigidities in employment law and the operation of the tax-benefit system as being responsible for the rise in zero hours contracting. Order your copy here

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