Labour Law Review 2007

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 01/09/2007 - 11:00

by Jennifer Eady QC, Betsan Criddle and Rebecca Tuck

Published in September 2007

As the authors of this year’s Labour Law Review note - the labour law year 2006-07 saw a number of notable case, particularly in the field of equal pay, guidance on the burden of proof in discrimination claims and the first trickle of cases from new heads of discrimination including age and religion and belief.

It’s no surprise therefore that this year’s Review includes a record number of cases. To assist in reporting and analysing those cases, Betsan Criddle has joined her colleagues from Old Square Chambers in preparing this report. In recognition of one of the most significant cases decided last year, the authors dedicate this Review to John Hendy QC and Michael Ford for their success in the ASLEF v UK case. The full implications of that case are yet to be reflected in UK law. It is however significant that legal challenges are being increasingly used to provoke the changes required to bring UK law up to international standards.

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