
Protecting Whistleblowers at Work

By Lucy Vickers

Published in May 1995

Whistleblowers act as an early warning system on safety issues as well as uncovering fraud and mismanagement. They should be automatically protected from unfair dismissal, their freedom of speech should be recognised and confidentiality clauses should not apply even in cases of “protest” whistleblowing.

Price £5.50/£20

The Limits of Industrial Action

By Gwyneth Pitt

Published in May 1995

Race Relations in the Workplace

by Qudsia Mirza

Published in April 1995

The author evaluates race relations in the workplace from three perspectives – the legal framework, the contribution of the trade unions and the European dimension. She goes on to suggest ways in which European-wide measures could be introduced as a way of guaranteeing important civil and social rights.

Price £5.50/£20

Fair Shares – The Future of Employee Financial Participation in the UK

by Hazel McLean

Published in May 1994

Price £5.50/£20

New Directions Towards Disabled Workers’ Rights

By Brian Doyle

Published in March 1994

Price £5.50/£20

Pay Equity – Just Wages for Women?

by Aileen McColgan

Published in January 1994

Argues for radical reform to the Equal Pay Law. Includes detailed discussion of recent North American experience. Explores various gender free mechanisms to replace traditional forms of Job Evaluation which the author finds to be deeply flawed.

Price £5.50/£20

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