
Campaign for Trade Union freedom

The Campaign For Trade Union Freedom was established in 2013, with support from the Institute for Employment Rights, following a merger of the Liaison Committee For The Defence Of Trade Unions and the United Campaign To Repeal The Anti Trade Union Laws. The CTUF is a campaigning organisation fighting to defend and enhance trade unionism, oppose all anti-union laws as well as promoting and defending collective bargaining across UK, Europe and the World.

Speak to local councillors and MPs against blacklisting

Labour Council recently passed the following motion to 'blacklist the blacklisters'. This text may act as an example of a successful motion that councillors across the country could be encouraged to pass in their own areas:

"A number of construction companies have been challenged about supporting the existence of and subscribing to construction industry ‘blacklists’, which detail covertly and potentially illegally gathered information on trade union members in the construction industry. Blacklisting is an unacceptable practice and cannot be condoned. The GMB union is leading a national campaign aimed at forcing those who have been involved in blacklisting to apologise and provide compensation to those who have found it impossible to work in construction as a result of this blacklisting."


Blacklisting News

Scottish Affairs Committee Inquiry

News and commentary

Fight against Blacklisting

Action Against Blacklisting

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Visit the Blacklisting Support Group's Facebook page

Contact local councillors and MPs

Map of Blacklisted workers

Source: GMB
Source: GMB

Blacklisting resources

Read all about the blacklisting scandal in this free, interactive magazines

Click here to see a larger version of the magazine

The IER's view

Government response

Blacklisting publication

Ruined Lives: Blacklisting in the Construction Industry

Now on Special Offer at just £5

Click here to read more and buy online

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