
Lords' Second Reading of the Trade Union Bill

The Institute of Employment Rights draws your attention specifically to the speeches of Labour peer Lord Mendelsohn and the Crossbencher Lord Kerslake, available below, as well as video footage of the full debate.

If the Trade Union Bill is passed...

1) Employers will be able to hire agency workers to replace striking staff INDEFINITELY:

  1. Essentially removing a bargaining chip from workers negotiating over pay and conditions and putting huge pressure on them to settle for less;
  2. Under-trained agency staff put the safety and quality of services at risk;
  3. This is in breach of international law (ILO Convention 87).

Conference Papers from Employment Law Update, LONDON

11/11/2015 09:35
11/11/2015 15:35

Wednesday 11 November 2015

A one-day conference

Diskus Room, Unite the Union, London

This was the ninth annual Employment Law Update Conference, organised by the Institute of Employment Rights in association with Old Square Chambers and the TUC. It was the first to take place under an all Conservative Government. Here our blogger Roger Jeary provides a brief summary of the presentations.

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