Trade Unions

Strike Rules in the EU 27

The Institute has always argued that the right to strike is a fundamental, basic right. It is a freedom enshrined in international law and enjoyed – to various degrees – by most workers across the globe.

This report, produced by the European Trade Union Institute in 2007, provides an interesting and useful overview of the different legal frameworks covering the right to strike across Europe.

IER Briefing: ASLEF v UK

June 2007

On 27th February 2007 the European Court of Human Rights found in favour of ASLEF in a case that could have profound and positive implications for trade unions.

The DTI has now agreed that UK laws need amending to reflect the decision of the Court and to bring UK legislation in line with international standards. A DTI Consultation Paper was therefore published on 16th May offering suggestions on how the UK’s domestic law should be amended. This is the IER response to that Consultation Document.

IER Submission: The Right to Strike


The Institute of Employment Rights’ submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights inquiry into the Concluding Observations of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, prepared by Keith Ewing and John Hendy.

IER Submission: the threat to trade unions of infiltration by far right organisations


As the BNP began to take unions to court for attempting to expel BNP members from the union, the Institute of Employment Rights’ submitted its thoughts on s 174 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 to the Joint Committee on Human Rights.

Briefing: The Need for a Trade Union Freedom Bill

March 2006

In early 2006 the Institute produced a Briefing on the proposed Trade Union Freedom Bill. We hope to produce more of these Briefings as the Bill progresses.

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