Paid subscription sign up

Submitted by sglenister on Thu, 22/11/2012 - 13:54

As a subscriber you will receive a copy of each of our publications as they are published at no extra cost. Subscribers are also entitled to substantial discounts on bulk orders and reduced conference and seminar fees. Our subscription year runs from April to March. All new subscribers are sent a copy of each of the publications produced in the year they join.

Subscription rates for other payment methods

  • Individual £50
  • Trade Union Branch £70
  • International £80
  • Library £100
  • Lawyers £210

How to subscribe and pay

There are three easy ways to become a subscriber:

  1. Subscribe online with a credit/debit card or Paypal account here:
  2. Subscribe by Post by downloading our subscription form

If you wish to provide access to our online resources for multiple users, please call us on 0151 207 5265 to discuss.

What happens after payment?

After your payment has been received. You will receive a letter confirming your subscription and advising you of your username and password that you can use to access our online resources.

2018 subscription flyer.pdf1.43 MB

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