John Hendy QC

Osborne and Cable stack tribunal odds against workers

George Osborne announced at the Conservative Party Conference that from April 2012 workers will have to be employed for two years instead of one year to qualify for unfair dismissal protection.

21 November 2011

How can we step up Britain's fight back

Prof Keith Ewing, IER President and John Hendy QC, IER Chairman

15 September 2011

Across the globe unions are organising resistance to what is an almost uniform governmental response to the current crisis of capitalism.

States have drained their coffers to bail out the financial gamblers and are now taking the opportunity to slash public services and cut the wages, pensions and job security of their employees.

Working people in both the private and public sectors are suffering and are increasingly angry and unions have organised mass protest around the world.

Support the Bill Mr Brown

18 October 2009

John Hendy QC and Prof Keith Ewing

The high court injunction granted last Friday (12th October 2007) against the Communication Workers Union’s (CWU) strike illustrates why hundreds of trade unionists will be gathering at Westminster today (18th October 2007) to support the trade union rights and freedom bill, which is scheduled for its second reading in the House of Commons on Friday 19th October 2007.

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