employment tribunals

Limits on Tribunal awards for unfair dismissal

14 September 2012

By Roger Jeary

The announcement today (Friday 14th September) by Vince Cable Secretary of State for Business, that tribunal awards for unfair dismissal will be limited to 12 months net pay or national median earnings (£26,000) is the latest in the weakening of employment rights in the UK. Of course, as has been stated and written so many times before, no-one for one moment believes that this will create one single job or boost the economic recovery currently being undermined by the austerity programme of the Chancellor. So why do it?

The Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill another hit to Britain’s workers

18 May 2012

In the Queen’s Speech earlier this month (May 9th), the government reaffirmed its position on employment law, once again describing aspects of critical legislation as a “burden” on businesses.

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