Marcus Weatherby

Marcus Weatherby

Marcus Weatherby
Marcus Weatherby

Marcus Weatherby

Marcus Weatherby is a partner at personal injury specialists Pattinson & Brewer solicitors.

Coalition proposes repeal of 114-year-old employment right

17 October 2012

By Marcus Weatherby, Pattinson & Brewer solicitors

Marcus Weatherby, who specialises in personal injury law at Pattinson & Brewer solicitors, lays out the facts and context behind the Coalition government's astonishing new proposal to repeal workers' 114-year-old right to rely on a breach of health and safety legislation in personal injury claims.

Employers could become no longer liable for some breaches of health and safety legislation

Keith Patten of Thompson's Solicitors says: "This is of potentially huge importance and needs wide circulation so it does not just slip in under the radar as a 'technical' amendment."

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