Carola Towle

Carola Towle

Carola Towle
Carola Towle

Carola Towle

Carola Towle is UNISON’s national officer for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. UNISON’s 1.3 million members work in the public services, in the community and voluntary sector, for private contractors providing public services and in the essential utilities. UNISON has a long-standing commitment to equality at work and in how public services are delivered.

Austerity and the pink pound: gaining an in-depth understanding

08 January 2014

By Carola Towle, UNISON national officer, LGBT equality

2014 grinds into gear. The first full week starts with George Osborne promising a further £25bn of cuts to public services if the Tories are re-elected, saying the job was "not even half done".

Public Sector Equality Duty review launched for all the wrong reasons

19 December 2012

By Carola Towle, UNISON National LGBT Officer

The Public Sector Equality Duty review has been launched too early and is driven by politics, not the thirst for ending discrimination and disadvantage in our society.

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