David Renton

High rates of non-payment of compensation by employers shows how damaging the Coalition's reforms will be to workers

07 November 2013

By David Renton, Garden Court Chambers

The publication of research showing a significant proportion of employers do not pay the compensation they owe to successful claimants at employment tribunal shows the promise that workers' fees for justice will be reimbursed if they win their case means nothing. What we need to see the government now is action to readdress the balance.

This is the biggest assault on workers’ rights ever

12 April 2013

By David Renton and Anna Macey

The coalition government has launched the most radical overhaul of employment law since unfair dismissal was created in 1971.

The Coalition has removed the best features of Employment Tribunals and kept the worst

22 February 2013

By David Renton

Today's tribunal system is not perfect, but the Coalition's reforms are taking away the best things about them and keeping the worst.

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