Tony Burke

Now is the time to fight for a new deal for workers

15 September

By Tony Burke, Assistant General Secretary, UNITE

Below is a video of, and the full text for, Tony Burke's speech in favour of Composite Motion 16 at TUC Congress, which supported the repeal of the Trade Union Act and called for a new framework for workers' rights.

Labour Party conference, joint fringe by IER and Campaign for Trade Union Freedom.

24 September 2014

Tony Burke, Assistant General Secretary of UNITE and Chair of the Campaign for Trade Unions Freedom

Speaking at the joint fringe by IER and Campaign for Trade Union Freedom at the Labour Party conference, Tony Burke outlined his fears about TTIP, the abandoned Carr report and what unions want to see from a Labour Government.

Carr review into industrial disputes collapses.

8 August 2014

By Tony Burke, Assistant General Secretary, UNITE

The review of rules governing industrial disputes, lead by Bruce Carr Q.C. collapsed in August when he notified the Government that: “I am concerned about the ability of the review to operate in a progressively politicised environment in the run-up to the general election and in circumstances in which the main parties will wish to legitimately set out their respective manifesto commitments and have already started to do so”.

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