Nicole Busby
Prof. Nicole Busby
from the Law School, University of Strathclyde, specialises in labour law, particularly in the areas of workers’ rights and equality. She is Director of the Centre of Employment and Labour Law Studies at Strathclyde University. Her recent publications include ‘A Right to Care? Unpaid Care Work in European Employment Law’ (2011, OUP). She is Co-Investigator on the Citizens Advice Bureau and Employment Disputes project and co-editor of a report published by IER called Access to Justice in employment disputes: surveying the terrain/
Latest ET Statistics Confirm Loss of Access to Justice for Workers
17th September 2014
By Prof Nicole Busby from the Law School, University of Strathclyde
If we needed further proof that the Coalition’s policy of charging claimants to bring cases to the ET posed a serious threat to access to justice in employment disputes, the latest ET statistics published by the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) provide it.
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