EU Comparative Series

The neo-liberal reform of collective bargaining in Spain: its consequences for social dialogue

Miguel Martínez Lucio
Miguel Martínez Lucio

10 August 2016

By Carlos J Fernández Rodríguez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain; Rafael Ibáñez Rojo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain; and Miguel Martínez Lucio, The University of Manchester, UK

The latest in our EU Comparative Series

This briefing outlines some of the key industrial relations issues in Spain in the light of the major legal reforms since the start of the crisis in 2008, pushed by the Troika and mainly enacted by the right-wing Popular Party (PP) (2011-15) – as well as to an extent the previous Socialist Party (PSOE) in its final years in power (08-11).

The impact of the crisis on collective bargaining in manufacturing in Portugal: between resilience and decentralisation

08 July 2016

By Isabel Távora, University of Manchester; and Pilar González, University of Porto

In the fifth article of our EU Comparative Series, academics from the University of Manchester and the University of Porto examine the impact on trade union and workers’ rights of a shift towards neoliberal structures in Portugal following intervention of the Troika.

On the edge of a paradigm variation? Changing Joint Regulation and Labour Market Policy in Italy during the Crisis

08 July 2016

By Sabrina Colombo and Ida Regalia, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche, Università degli studi di Milano

In the fourth piece from our EU Comparative Series, Italian academics Sabrina Colombo and Ida Regalia analyse the impact of Troika intervention on Italy's collective bargaining structure, employment law, and trade union rights.

Irish Unions help regain lost ground

10 June 2016

By Dr Eugene Hickland and Professor Tony Dundon

The Celtic tiger is dead … social partnership has collapsed … the Troika have been and gone … a new coalition government struggle to coexist amidst the aftermath of crisis and uncertainty. Despite these challenges, trade unions show remarkable resilience and a capacity for continuity in bargaining for their members and helping to protect some of the most vulnerable in society.

Troika-imposed neoliberalism undermines basic employment rights in Romania

23 May 2016

By Dr Aurora Trif, Lecturer in Human Resources Management, Dublin City University

In the second of our series of blogs detailing how the Troika has helped to spread the neoliberalist agenda across the EU, including in its diminishing of trade union powers, Dr Aurora Trif takes a detailed look at how the decentralisation of collective bargaining has affected wages and employment rights in Romania.

The EU is exporting UK neoliberalism to the rest of Europe

29 March 2016

By Aristea Koukiadaki,Senior Lecturer in Employment Law, School of Law, University of Manchester, Isabel Távora, Lecturer in Human Resource Management at the University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business School and Miguel Martínez Lucio,Professor of International HRM at the University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business School.

In the first of a series of articles highlighting the impact of EU austerity measures on levels of collective bargaining across seven EU member states, the authors provide an overview of their recent research. Their findings are stark. Measures imposed by the Troika on the seven states studied have resulted in limiting trade union powers and reducing workers’ pay. Future blogs will drill down into the specifics of the seven countries studied. Carolyn Jones

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