Sylvaine Laulom

The Labour Act, another step in the flexibilisation of French Labour Law

14 July 2016

By Professor Sylvaine Laulom, Director of Institut d'études du travail de Lyon, the University Lumière Lyon 2

Finally, the long road towards the ‘El Khomri’ Law, named after the French Minister of Labour and officially called the ‘Labour Act’ (‘Loi Travail’), is coming to an end. A draft was accepted by the National Assembly after its second reading on July 6, following the use, for the second time, of Article 49.3 of the Constitution. It will now proceed to the Senate. At that stage, the Act should be accepted by the Parliament by the end of July. It will likely be referred to the Constitutional Council. By the end of summer, the Act is likely to have been adopted.

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