Access to Justice review

REVIEW: Politically motivated attacks

20 October 2016

By Declan Owens, Socialist Lawyer

Access to Justice: Exposing the Myths, Andrew Moretta, published by the Institute of Employment Rights, 2016

Readers of Socialist Lawyer are aware of the problems in relation to their clients obtaining access to justice in their various practice areas and the devastating impact of the legal aid under New Labour, the Coalition Government and the Tories. One of the Coalition’s most far reaching reforms was the introduction of fees in the employment tribunals in 2013 (except for Northern Ireland) and the removal of employment law from the scope of legal aid, which had a major impact on law centres and firms. Andrew Moretta provides the reader with a clear, concise and detailed critique of how access to justice for workers in the United Kingdom has been gorged and outlines why the myths propagated by the Tories and businesses need to be exposed.

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