Gregor Gall
Supreme Court Ruling On Tribunal Fees Shows Unions Are A Public Good
27 July 2017
By Gregor Gall, Professor of Industrial Relations, Bradford University
UNISON’s victory over the government at the Supreme Court on the issue of the introduction of fees for Employment Tribunal applications is the most recent example of how unions are a ‘public good’. This does not just mean a force for good but a good (as in a service) for, and to, the public at large, covering those who are not union members and may even be antagonist to unions or anti-union.
Taylor tinkers and employees will still be exploited
14 July 2017
By Gregor Gall, Professor of Industrial Relations, University of Bradford
It was always likely to happen and now it has - the much awaited publication of The Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices called 'Good Work' eschews using serious state intervention to fix the worst excesses of exploitation in the modern neo-liberal labour market in Britain.
Strike A Light - Tory Trade Union Act Is Already Backfiring
06 July 2017
By Gregor Gall, Professor of Industrial Relations, The University of Bradford
Although it’s still early days, the evidence is that the Tory Trade Union Act 2016 is already backfiring as the length of individual strikes increase, creating more days ‘lost’ to striking per strike, as a result of the new tighter regulations. The intention of the Tory government with the Act was to reduce the levels of strike action even lower than they presently are and especially in the so-called ‘essential services’ of transport and education.
The Tory Trade Union Act 2016: What Has Its Impact Been So Far?
20 June 2017
By Gregor Gall, Professor of Industrial Relations, the University of Bradford
The main provisions of the Trade Union Act 2016, concerning new, tougher balloting thresholds, came into force on 01 March 2017. This articles summarises the main findings of the first research (from the Jimmy Reid Foundation) to quantify the impact of the new Act on strikes and industrial action.
A Manifesto for Labour Law: what would it look like in Scotland?
05 May 2017
By Gregor Gall, Professor of Industrial Relations at the University of Bradford; Director of the Jimmy Reid Foundation; and Editor of the Scottish Left Review
In this abridged version of an article originally published by the Jimmy Reid Foundation, Professor Gregor Gall describes the Institute of Employment Rights' Manifesto for Labour Law and discusses its implementation in Scotland. For the full version of the article, please click here.
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