2008-9 Events

Global Rights in Global Companies: Going for Gold at the UK Olympics

Speakers’ papers from
Global Rights in Global Companies: Going for Gold at the UK Olympics
A one-day conference held at the House of Commons to examine the globalised market of the 21st century, and in the context of the Olympics and Paralympics in 2012, what trade unions can do to ensure that fundamental rights operate throughout the company profile, wherever the company operates

Wednesday 17 may 2006

Gender Equality Duty: A Seminar Monday 14th May 2007

Despite the Sex Discrimination Act being on the statute book for over 30 years, inequality remains a feature of the modern workplace. The pay gap between men and women remains wide, with part-time women earning nearly 40% less than men.

In an attempt to progress the long awaited call for equality, the Gender Equality Duty (GED) will come into force in April 2007. This legislation requires public authorities to take action to eliminate unlawful sex discrimination and harassment, and promote equality of opportunity between women and men.

The GED is significant in that it places a legal responsibility on public authorities to actively promote equality between men and women, instead of relying on individuals making complaints. All public authorities, including local government, central government, NHS trusts, and schools, will be required through a number of different specific duties to:

  • Prepare and publish a gender equality scheme, with
    clear gender equality objectives

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