right to strike
The right to strike re-affirmed at ILO
25 February 2015
According to a press release from ITUC today (25 February 2015), a breakthrough has been made at the International Labour Organisation(ILO) following two years during which employers at the ILO brought the UN body’s global supervisory system to a standstill in an attempt to wipe out decades of ILO jurisprudence supporting the right to strike.
The EU: friend or the foe of trade unions?
06 July 2012
Many thanks to those who attended our Developments in European Employment Law conference at the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool on Wednesday (July 4th).
Has Monti resolved Viking and Laval?
16 March 2012
Keith Ewing says there "is nothing of merit" in the first draft Monti 11 Regulation
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