Ask your MP to join the Commons debate on 22nd October

Submitted by carolyn on Thu, 23/09/2010 - 15:23

23 September 2010

Carolyn Jones, IER Director

The “Lawful Industrial Action (Minor Errors) Bill”: was introduced into Parliament by John McDonnell, MP on 30th June 2010 and will have its second reading on 22nd October. The Bill aims to simplify procedures around industrial action ballots and notices.

Recent disputes and court decisions have highlighted the extent to which UK laws prevent unions acting upon the democratic decisions of their members.

Commenting on the restrictive nature of current balloting laws, one judge noted that the original purpose of the law was “not to create a series of traps or hurdles for the union to negotiate….but to ensure a fair, open and democratic ballot”.

The law as it stands fails to meet those standards. This Bill would go someway to promoting fairness and protecting democratic decisions.

Lobby your MP. Attend the Rally. Read John Hendy’s Briefing.

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