
Workplace issues: taking up the issues with the new government

10 June 2015

By Roger Jeary

In its first event since the general election, the Institute examined the consequences for trade unionists and workers’ rights of the election of a conservative government, albeit with a small majority. The conference brought together experts in the field of employment rights, health and safety and whistleblowing as well as psychologists looking at the psychological impact of austerity.

TTIP, ISDS and INTA; the elephant in the room

5 June 2015

By Professor Keith Ewing and John Hendy QC


The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is the secret trade deal currently being negotiated between the EU and the USA. Its text is a closely guarded secret shared only by the negotiators (including representatives of multinational corporations). Drafts are withheld from both MEPs and members of all the European national Parliaments (as well as US congress and senate members).

Trade Unions and the General Election 2015

13 May 2015

By Professor Keith Ewing

Shortly after the general election in 2010, I wrote in these columns that Cameron would win the 2015 general election (Morning Star, 18 June 2010). The reason for this was largely historical. In this country Tory governments typically get at least two terms. Indeed since the end of the Second World War only one Tory government – that elected on 1970 – has failed to do so.

UCU victory against university employer

11th May 2015

By Michael MacNeil

In higher education the bosses often consider themselves to sit at the more enlightened and progressive end of the employers’ spectrum. They do, however, preside over obscene levels of casualisation, with ridiculous numbers of zero hour teaching contracts and with 67% of research staff on fixed-term contracts.

Anti-Social Europe: USDAW v Wilson in the ECJ

01 May 2015

By Michael Ford QC.

In the 1970s AZCO, a multinational with employees in various European countries, decided it would make about 5000 workers redundant. It took care to work out in which Member State the costs of redundancies were lowest, and sacked the workers there. The response from the European Community was Directive 75/129 on collective redundancies (now Directive 98/59). An early measure of social protection, the Directive emphasised in its preamble its primary objective: "that greater protection should be afforded to workers in the event of redundancies while taking into account the need for balanced economic and social development".

Collective Bargaining in Ireland: lessons for Westminster?

29 April 2015

By Michael Doherty, Professor of Law and Head of the Department of Law at Maynooth University, Ireland

The voluntarist system of employment relations that exists in Ireland is, of course, derived from that of the UK. Despite the common origins, however, a number of subtle differences have emerged, and persisted, over the years in relation to collective bargaining in the two countries. First, the statutory recognition procedure under the Employment Relations Act 1999 has no equivalent in Ireland. While the Irish Constitution protects the right of freedom of association, trade unions in Ireland enjoy no rights to be recognised for bargaining purposes by an employer. Employees are free to join a trade union, but they cannot insist their employer negotiate with that union regarding their pay and conditions. There is a framework under the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Acts 2001-2004 that allows a trade union to get a legally binding order in respect of specific member grievances, where employers refuse to bargain with the union, but this has been infrequently used since a successful Supreme Court challenge to its operation by the airline, Ryanair, in 2007.

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