Press Releases

Recent press releases from the Institute

You will find below a list of all the latest press releases from the Institute of Employment Rights, covering our publications, consultation responses, briefings and events.

If you need any further information please contact Carolyn Jones on 0151 207 5265.

IER launches new proposals to end job insecurity and low pay

09 September 2018

Independent think tank the Institute of Employment Rights (IER) will launch a comprehensive package of labour law proposals - Rolling out the Manifesto for Labour Law - on Sunday 09 September at TUC Congress.

New report recommends public inquiry into blacklisting scandal & criminal sanctions for blacklisters

14 December 2017

A new report published by independent think tank the Institute of Employment Rights recommends a public inquiry is conducted into the blacklisting scandal, and sets out a Manifesto Against Blacklisting, proposing changes to the law, including criminal sanctions for employers operating blacklists. 

Study: Exploitation of care workers demands action on sectoral collective bargaining

04 October 2017

A new report from think tank The Institute of Employment Rights, authored by a Cardiff University expert on labour standards in care work, concludes that establishing a sectoral collective bargaining process to negotiate workers' pay and conditions in the social care industry is the best way to prevent the exploitation of carers and improve the quality of care for service users.

Shadow Chancellor: IER Manifesto will inform future Labour policy

30 June 2016

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell has said that the Institute of Employment Rights' Manifesto for Labour Law will be used as a blueprint for future Labour policy.

Protect the Right to Strike. New video clip by Keith Ewing and John Hendy

22 September 2015

As the government attempts to rush through the unnecessary and unpopular Trade Union Bill, the IER and the Campaign for Trade Union Freedom have released a new YouTube clip and two new publications to inform the debate. In the video, Professor Keith Ewing and John Hendy QC explain the content and expose the purpose of the Bill.

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