Coalition proposals on strike laws already condemned ~ in Bulgaria
10 July 2011
Keith Ewing, IER President
Victimisation of trade union members causes industrial unrest in the UK
The reinstatement of Eamonn Lynch and now Arwyn Thomas by London Underground is a complete vindication of the RMT’s decision to take industrial action in their support.
Victory in the Court of Appeal
18 March 2011
Keith Ewing
The recent decision of the Court of Appeal on the right to strike in cases involving Aslef and RMT is a major triumph for the British trade union movement in its battle to restore trade union rights.
Cable's 'Employers' Charter' incites bosses to take advantage of workers' vulnerability
3 February 2011
Keith Ewing
In the same week that the governor of the Bank of England told us inflation-adjusted wages were falling in a manner unseen since the 1920s, Vince Cable is inciting bosses to take advantage of workers’ vulnerability, by telling them in his charter that they have the right to ask their workers to take a pay cut, and to contact women on maternity leave about when they are planning to return.
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