What has the Coalition Timeline taught us so far?

Submitted by sglenister on Thu, 20/12/2012 - 15:49

20 December 2012

Earlier this year, the IER launched our interactive resource, the Coalition Timeline, to record government proposals, backbench whispers, u-turns and policies that attack employment rights and trade unions. We are around halfway through the Coalition (let's hope!), so what has the Coalition Timeline taught us so far?

A new series of articles will explore this question over the coming weeks, with the first two articles now published. Sign up to our updates here to receive notification when another article in the series is uploaded.

What has the Coalition taught us so far?

  1. Ministers resent equality laws
  2. Profit will be put over people in the workplace
  3. Public sector workers are being treated with no respect
  4. Anti-union stances with the Tory party are influencing frontbench ministers
  5. Health and safety issues spun into myths to blind workers of danger
  6. National Minimum Wage allowed to "wither on the vine"
  7. Access to justice: only for the rich

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